All posts by CMA

Aging America: seven myths

Source : MacArthur foundation research network on an aging society

The dramatic increase in life expectancy in the United States and
all other developed nations in the 20th century is one of the greatest
cultural and scientific advances in our history. Yet, we are woefully
unprepared to address the challenges—such as potential conflicts
aggravated by generational differences—and take advantage of the
opportunities—unleashing the productivity inherent in a healthy
elderly population, for example—that stand before us.

Seven myths
  1. Aging in America is a temporary phenomenon
    caused by the baby boom.
  2. Physical and mental capacity inevitably decline
    with biological aging.
  3. Aging mainly impacts the elderly.
  4. In an aging society, the young and old are
    inevitably pitted against each other.
  5. Policymakersmust choose between investments
    in youth or the elderly.
  6. The biggest public problems facing an aging
    America stemfromSocial Security andMedicare/Medicaid.
  7.  We can stabilize the age of our population by
    increasing immigration.

Full version:

Call to contribution “Aging well a long time”

Retirement and long ageing, third stage of life  !

« To get ready for» it is to undertake a precondition, to implement reflexion and actions ahead of a plan.

The awarness of the lengthening of life expectancy beyond 60 years – a worldwide average of more than 6 years between 1990 and 2014 – coincide roughly with the entrance in the XXIth century.

The number of more than 60 years old persons could augment of about 60 % on the horizon 2030 and about 75 % for more than 80 years. Source French national institute of statistics and economic studies.

Few of us approach idea that a «urgent common job» must be undertaken in such revolution which reappraises the foundations of the organisation of the worldwide society.

No more state, no region, no family can envisage tomorrow without taking into account that we are always more numerous and older in a coexistence of interbreedinge social, economic, cultural of four, or even five generations, among which two, or even three are in situation of retirement and of long ageing in said developed countries, and for others than it is there so as soon as possible.

And yet all know that one of the necessary priorities for life in society, it is «education-training in a permanent learning» base of elements from relations to the others, of human dignity by exercise of an including, learnt, chosen responsibility and undertaken with pleasure for a personal and collective growth who allows recognition.

To take back a writings of founder of ATD Quarter World Joseph Wresinski: «Charity drives the poor people in indignity». 20 years of retirement allow us to write today: «the absence of life horizon prepares the future pensioners and old in destitution – lack of useful things for life.»

These things possible be desire, happiness, pleasure of the personal and collective growth by remaining responsible, autonomous in his choices of mode, condition and environment, in expression of its rights and duties, in sharing and collaboration between generations across the world.

We know that uselessness feeling is the worst of troubles, harder with progress in age.

To get ready it is therefore to undertake a time of learning, if possible before the end of career, to visit again its knowledge, to correct its ignorance, to construct the necessary and essentiel tools to learn, to understand and to undertake next decades by the sharing of knowledges and experiments as longer as possible.

Transmit (trans mittere «desposited beyond») to give in, to pass… is not any more enough facing the speeds of the applications of scientific and technical progress.

It is to accompany (walk with a companion) in solidarity and autonomisation that it is necessary to develop to make that this third stage of retirement and long ageing, is a long time of peace, of sharing in reciprocity, for the pleasure of life.

To get ready it is to get involved as elder responsible in an ethical and deontological behaviour of human values..

Do you want to join us in this plan of «reflexion and actions» which should end by a MOOC – Massive Open Online Cours e– who could have as title «to get ready for a long time of retirement and of ageing»  ?

The project group “Aging well a long time“, under the supervision of Pierre Caro, gave a deadline to introduce this plan: June, 2018?
You can address your proposals in:

Long ageing and oeconomy!

Pierre Calame, in his work Essay on Oeconomie(1), asks the question: “How in the context of globalization, humanity can it reconcile the economic needs, with the fact impossible to circumvent that the natural resources are limited
He writes: “the oeconomy is a branch of the governance. It has the aim of creating institutional actors and fittings, processes and rules, aiming at organizing the production, the distribution and the use of the goods and the services in order to ensure humanity all the possible wellness by benefitting the best from technical capabilities and from the human creativity, to ensure an enrichment and safeguarding constant worry of the biosphere, of conservation of the interests, rights and capacities of initiatives of the future generations under conditions of responsibility and equity causing adhesion of all….The democracy is not a political regime, it is the shared feeling which each one lays out of a certain catch on the collective destiny
Twenty years of retirement brought the confirmation of two realities to us: we need the adhesion of all, without what there will be no more requirement fault of present; each one has a certain catch on the collective destiny.
Today, in the world, a person on seven with more than 60 years, this can-being one on five in 2050, is more than 2 billion, and it is tomorrow!
We understood that the danger was not in ageing, normal function, but in the lack of desire, pleasure of good food this last third of life, 30.40 years possible, after the career.
We decided to undertake an action/deliberation on why and it how the elder ones, in an ethical and responsible control, could take part in the knowledge and the control of a company where best passes before more, where the desire and the pleasure of living are a project.
We built our own answer: to continue to learn how to undertake our work of pensioner, just like our career, in the capacity as known and recognized professional, responsible and possible pilot for young people but also for those and those wishing to share a community of reflections and actions on the happy consequences and less than one long time of ageing.
To return to the etymological direction “oikos” the hearth, the house common and “nomos” the law, in material and immaterial exchanges of the human beings between them, the companies between them, and humanity with the biosphere, here is an objective of new career, or started from this long ageing.
We know that the first act is a time of training.
This is why we have the plan of a “School of the 3rd chance reprocesses and long ageing”
Join us, we need you, whatever your age, your formation, profession, social situation, economic, religious, or territorial. We remain at your disposal

Pierre Caro
reprocessed professional, enquiring autodidact: retirement and long ageing.
A6 Association

(1) CALAME, Pierre, Essay on Oeconomy,  Paris(France): Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, 2009

Higher Education as public good- Perspectives for the Centenary of the Declaration of Cordoba

Professor Marco Antonio Rodrigues Dias

Former director of the Division of Higher Education, in UNESCO, Paris (1981 to 1999).

The Association of Universities Group of Montevideo –AUGM- just launched, in Spanish, together with the Universidad de la República (Montevideo) the book “Enseñanza superior como bien público: perspectivas para el centenario de la Declaración de Córdoba”.

The printed Portuguese version will be launched soon.

An English version is being edited to be disseminated trough Internet.

Five Steps To Developing A Lifelong Habit Of Learning

“The simple truth is that the most successful people are dedicated to constantly learning. They recognize that they always need to be growing, always need to be deepening their knowledge, always need to have a more thorough understanding of themselves and the world.” Lisa Link

  1. Determine what you really want to know.
  2. Set goals in line with your objectives.
  3. Use a multitude of mediums to help you learn.
  4. Put learning into your schedule.
  5. Surround yourself with passionate learners.
Age is No Barrier to Learning

Whether 22 right out of undergrad graduation or 72 looking to finally accomplish that bachelor’s degree, PGS programs can help you be a lifelong learner.

International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning

Editors: Milana, M., Webb, S., Holford, J., Waller, R., Jarvis, P. (Eds.)

Palgrave Macmillan, October 2017

This Handbook provides a wide-ranging frame of reference for researching adult and lifelong education and learning. With contributions from scores of established and newer scholars from six continents, the volume covers a diverse range of geopolitical and social territories across the world.

Drawing on the multiple  heritages that underpin research on education and learning in adulthood, this Handbook addresses the inner tensions between adult education, adult learning, lifelong education, and lifelong learning, by using current research and theorizations from disciplinary  backgrounds, including philosophy, psychology, biology and neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, history, political science, and economics. It provides an explicit discussion of the differences and tensions between adult and lifelong education and learning, and locates these in different policy and historical contexts, theories and practices. It explores a variety of discipline-based theoretical perspectives, and highlights how these have influenced, and been influenced by, research in the education and learning of adults. The Handbook also explores the inevitable frictions and dilemmas these present, and carefully examines the role of the international dimension in researching education and learning in formal, non-formal and informal contexts, beyond traditional schooling.

This state-of-the-art, comprehensive Handbook is the first of its kind to explore adult education, lifelong education and lifelong learning fully as distinct activities on an international scale. It will be an indispensable reference resource for students of education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and for academic researchers, professionals and policy-makers concerned with adult and community education, further and vocational education, or work-based training and human resource development.

Constructivism : a comprehensive bibliography

Michael Robert Matthews on Constructivism
n Science, Philosophy and Education


From Alfonso Lizarzaburu

It is a great pleasure to share with you the bibliography that I have prepared with the work of one of the greatest specialists on constructivism: Michael R. Matthews, honorary associate professor in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.

Michael is Foundation editor (1990-2014) of the journal Science & Education: Contributions from the History and Philosophy of Science and editor of the HPS&ST Newsletter/Note since 1987. He has degrees from the University of Sidney in Geology, Psychology, Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Science, and Education. His PhD in philosophy of education is from UNSW.

In August 2016 I started to prepare a very extensive bibliography on constructivism (English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish).

Doing this joyful travel I discovered the extraordinary quality and extent of Michael’s contribution in this domain.

I decided then to start publishing his work because I do really think he is an extraordinary guide to know the constructivist landscape on Philosophy, Science and Education.

The influence of constructivism during the last fifty years is overwhelming. In one of his articles he says:

Indeed constructivism has become education’s version of the ‘grand unified theory’.

And in chapter 8 of his book Science Teaching: The contribution of History and Philosophy of Science (New York: Routledge, 2015) he says:

Constructivism as a theory of knowledge and learning has been the major theoretical influence in contemporary science and mathematics education; and in its post-modernist and deconstructionist form, it is a significant influence in contemporary mathematics, literary, artistic, social studies and religious education. Its impact is evident in theoretical debates, curriculum construction, and pedagogical practice in all of these subjects. Constructivism as a psychological, educational and philosophical orientation fuels the learner-centered, teacher as-facilitator, localist, ‘progressive’ side of the educational maths wars, phonics debates, and discovery learning disputes.

It is necessary to know that there are many different points of view and approaches to what constructivism is and how they have been developed by different authors.

Thanks to my friend and maestro Mario A. Bunge, Michael knew that I was preparing a bibliography on constructivism and he sent me a first message on 4 September 2016.

I sent him a draft of the bibliographic file on his work to which he replied on 11 September 2016 saying:

Thank you for your note and your most comprehensive bibliographic file. I have never seen my work aggregated in such an informative way.

He made some corrections and some additions, and I appreciate very much his contribution.

Almost at the end of his message, Michael said:

I will attach for you the Constructivism chapter from my 2015 Routledge book that will give you some idea of my appraisal of the position. I believe its adoption throughout the world as official educational policy […] is a disaster.

Nonetheless, at the end of the same article mentioned above he says:

But the interactive, anti-dogmatic teaching practices supported by constructivism need not be abandoned. […] In brief, what is good in constructivism has long been known in philosophy and in the liberal tradition of education, and that what is novel in constructivism is misguided and dangerous to both education and society.

Why does he think this?

You will find the answer reading his extraordinary contribution during the last 40 years.


Recognizing Green Skills in Non-formal Learning Settings

UIL, September, 6 2016

‘Green skills’ have emerged as a response to global sustainable development challenges linked to environmental protection, economic development and social inclusion. As a result, many countries are involved in fostering their citizens’ and workers’ ‘green skills’.  There is need to develop policies that offer clear directions on how to provide recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of these ‘skills’, including those acquired in formal and informal economic sectors.

The publication of the study “the development of a model for the effective inclusion of green skills in accredited competences”  is scheduled to be launched at the fifth World Forum for Lifelong Learning, St. Petersburg 25 May 2017.

‘Brainstorming’ or ‘brain disturbing’ with conformity pressure?

From Alfonso Lizarzaburu

Find below the links to have access to the results of some experimental evaluations of a “widely used technique” –called ‘brainstorming’– “for groups to develop varied and fresh perspectives on an issue, problem or project, and it is frequently used by leaders and consultants, with the assumption that this increases both productivity and creativity”. Cf.:

The term was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in the 1953 book Applied Imagination. Osborn was an advertising executive that began developing methods for creative problem-solving sessions in 1939. Osborn outlined his method in the 1948 book Your Creative Power in chapter 33 “How to Organize a Squad to Create Ideas”. [Last updated: 22 August 2016]

Ray Williams, in his article published in Psychology Today on April 10, 2012, says: “That assumption may not be true”.

I am sending you a very well documented article on “brainstorming” written by Johan LETLER. If you are interested in more information on this subject, just let me know and I will send you more recent studies.

I wish you and enjoyable, insightful and fruitful reading.


 LETLER, Jonah, “The Brainstorming Myth”, The New Yorker, January 30, 2012. Cf.:

WILLIAMS, Ray, “Why Brainstorming Doesn’t Improve Productivity or Creativity”, Psychology Today, April 10, 2012. Cf.:

This article is an additional gift:

BRATNICKA, Katarzyna, “Creativity and effectiveness in organizations. A new approach to an old question”, Management, Volume 19, Issue 1, May 2015, pp. 33-45. Cf.: §*****§



Literacy: Reading the Past, Writing the Future

50th anniversary celebrations of International Literacy Day 2016 launched
Reading the Past, Writing the Future

The world has changed since 1966 – but our determination to provide every woman and man with the skills, capacities and opportunities to become everything they wish, in dignity and respect, remains as firm as ever. Literacy is a foundation to build a more sustainable future for all.” UNESCO Director-General

New Global Alliance for Literacy pledges partnership and innovation to boost progress

A new global partnership for literacy aims to bring governments, NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector together to look afresh at how to boost progress.” UIL, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.