Uganda: Where Yoga Aids Learning
As orientation into this lifelong learning process, new students are subjected to a seven-days meditation course for one hour a day; either between 11am-midday or 7pm-8pm. Sr Jasu Nipa, one of the trainers at the centre says the meditation offered at is unique from others as it not based on any mantras.
A Structural Intervention towards Better Health & Education
Outcomes for Girls (présentation, 4e forum mondial, Paris 2015)
Quelle éducation à la sexualité des jeunes adultes ? (voir annexe 7)
Voir « Agir, éduquer et former pour une santé durable », Actes du 4e Forum, pp. 46-71
Questions that have gone unanswered – all which hangs on the teens-
This innovative book offers the large amount of information related to young people’s critical problems as viewed by themselves. It was conceived and developed within the framework of large-scale sociocultural studies curried out by Dr Bouche among thousands of teens in various regions. It will help adolescents to understand themselves better and at the same time it will help adults to understand young people and show them the most appropriate way for a dialogue based on mutual trust and respect. The teenagers had been asking tens of thousands of questions that had never been answered before related to a range of aspects of their personal life, from philosophy, family ties and peer relations, love and sexuality to health- related risks. Using a holistic approach Dr Bouche reviews all of these key subjects. The book is a first-hand source of information on what young people really want to know about their physiological and psycho-affective development. M. Bouche, CMA, 2011
Marlena Bouche, Ph.D. is an International Expert and Consultant on Education and Health. As a Senior Advisor to the Governments she has been working for 30 years in Western and Eastern Europe, CIE, Africa, Asia, USA, for a range of UN specialised Agencies (UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNOPS, HCR, UNFPA, FAO), World Bank, European Union, USAID and some international NGO’s (WISH US). Since 15 years she has concentrated her activity on women and adolescents’ reproductive and sexual health, HIV/AIDS, gender and poverty alleviation, contributing to promote Healthy Life Style, social and behaviour change, mostly in post-soviet and East European countries as well as in Africa. She came up with the idea of this book that is mainly based on the results of her own research in social sciences, earlier implemented in many countries around the world.
The Russian version of the book was prepared in cooperation with Oksana Romashchenko, M.D. Ph.D. who is a key Research Specialist at the Department of Sexopathology and Andrology by the Institute of Urology/Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev. She is actively involved in promoting women’s sexual health in Ukraine and abroad.
UNESCO launches new video on Comprehensive Sexuality Education
UNESCO has released a new video ‘Being A Young Person’ – which outlines how comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) helps young people develop the knowledge and skills to make conscious, healthy and responsible choices about relationships and sexuality.
The videos can be viewed here in the following four languages:
- English:
- French:
- Spanish:
- Portuguese: