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ERASMUS+ Digiter


Dear Friends and Partners,

I am pleased to inform you that our Erasmus+ project DIGITER has been accepted by the French Agency for funding. The total grant for this three year project is of €443,542, which corresponds to the 98,9% of the financing claimed within the application form. You will find, attached (document 01), the initial budget, to be corrected after the reception of the official letter from the Agency confirming the grant. This is a real success, all the more that we will benefit from the second hugest subvention granted this year by the French Agency for the action concerned (document 02 attached). Therefore, you can start information of the project within your national contexts. To make this task easier, I am sending you the summary of the project in English and in French (documents 03 and 04 attached). You will also find the summary description of the major productions planned (documents 05 and 06 attached).

I also inform you that the kick off meeting will take place at the premises of FORMATION ET MÉTIER (project leader organisation) in MARSEILLE (FR) from October 19, 2017, 9 AM to October 20, 2017, 4.30 PM. So please save tha date!

This meeting will include two parts:

(1)    Restricted Technical Meeting of October 19, 2017, 9 a.m. to October 20, 2017, 12:00 p.m.

Participants: Four representatives from the proponent, three CMA representatives (FR) and two representatives from each other partner organization, representing 15 participants in total, considered national “network heads”.


  • Recalling the project’s objectives and verifying the understanding of the role of each partner.
  • Action Programme and points of vigilance in relation to the specific nature of the project.
  • Phase O1: Competency Mapping.
  • Communication Plan and Results-enhancement Seminars.
  • Partnership: Organization, collaborative contracts, mutual commitments, administrative and financial aspects.
  • Quality control and external evaluation of the production process on the one hand and the results on the other hand.

(2)    Regional seminar on the promotion of Professional and social advancement in digital, October 20, 2017, from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Organized directly after the restricted technical meeting, this event will aim at initiating regional collaborations and promoting the project with the territorial partners in Marseille. It will bring together 50 participants:

  • Companies in the digital sector and representatives the economic players of the city of Marseille,
  • Guidance and vocational training organizations offering pathways leading, among other things, to careers in the digital sector,
  • Institutional decision-makers and other partners acting for the professional insertion into the territory of Marseille and its northern environs as the main target.

More detailed logistic information (address, accommodation, etc.) will be given directly by FORMATION ET MÉTIER at the beginning of September 2017. Documents for the preparation of the work will be sent to you by September 20, 2017.

I am looking forward our prompt collaboration and wish you all the best,

CMA – Paris

French version

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