CMA organize with the
National Distance Education Universiry (UNED)
the 5th World Forum
for lifelong Learning
Lifelong Education and Learning for Sustainable Development: an Integrate Approach
Madrid, September 27, 28 & 29, 2017
Edificio de Humanidades de la UNED-Facultad de Filologia
Paseo Senda del Rey,7, 28040 Madrid, España
With the support of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), the UNESCO-UNEVOC Hong Kong and the Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)
Comunicación UNED
The main objectives are:
- Discuss key aspects of lifelong learning and education in the perspective of sustainable development.
- Innovate concepts and practices in application of United Nations principles of lifelong learning and education for sustainable development.
- Reinforce international multidisciplinary and multicultural cooperation among different actors on diverse levels and modalities (formal and informal) of the education system – such as higher education (educators, researchers and administrators) – as well as of civil society and the private sector.
- Encourage the creation of local, national, regional and international networks to promote lifelong learning and education in order to achieve sustainable development goals.
- Develop recommendations to UNESCO and other specialized agencies (within and out of the United Nations system), governments, the international education community and civil society.
Expected outcomes
- Key aspects of lifelong learning and education for sustainable development are identified.
- Innovative concepts and practices of lifelong learning and education for sustainable development are documented.
- New forms of cooperation between relevant Lifelong Learning and Education actors are established.
- A set of recommendations addressed to UNESCO and other agencies and actors are formulated.
Round Tables
- Lifelong Learning and Distant Education
- Sustainable Development and Education
- Education for World Citizenship and Lifelong Learning and Education: What Implications?
- Cross Experimentation of Learning Territories: An Innovative European Project.
- Learning Cities [1]: A Participative and Collaborative Innovation is Under Way.
- Multicultural Dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility : A Necessity!
- Girls Education: A Real Urgency!
- Higher Education and New Trends Research Politicies.
- Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of Non-formal and Informal Learning Outcomes.
- Health and Well-being: Which Lifestyles for Living Better and Longer?
[1]To clarify the concept of «learning cities» see.: “What is a Learning City” in Key Features of Learning Cities (p. 9). Cf.: