Country contacts

Lifelong Learning World Committee National Delegates

The international network is made up of one or more national representatives per country. The representatives are identified through the World Committee’s steering group. They are chosen from professional educators, economists or administrators who work in their countries in favour of education, training and lifelong learning. As members of the association they represent the world committee in their country in a voluntary capacity. They are asked to send regularly to the general representative for international communication ( any useful information on developments and events in their country. These submissions will then be shown on the website of the world committee under the heading ‘country contacts’. They are acting to a national plan in accordance with the same modes of operation and the same orientations as the world committee.

Algeria Bolivia China Estonia
Afghanistan Bolivia Cameroun Finland
Angola Botswana Croatia France
Argentina Brazil Cyprus Germany
Armenia Bulgaria Czech Republic Georgia
Azerbaijan Burkina-Faso Ecuator Gabon
Belgium Cambodia Egypt Ghana
Benin Canada Congo Haïti
Bielorussia Chile Guinea Hungary

India Kowait Mauritania Oman
Iraq Laos Morroco Ouzbekistan
Ireland Lesotho Mexico Pakistan
Israel Latvia Moldavia Peru
Italy Liban Namibia Philippines
Ivory Coast Lituania Nicaragua Poland
Japan Macédoine Niger R.D. of Congo
Kazakhstan Madagascar Nigeria Russia
Kenya Malaysia Norway
Kyrgyz Republic Mali New Zealand

Slovenia Switzerland South Korea Spain
Senegal Soudan Syria Togo
Serbia South Africa Swaziland Tunisia
Seychelles Sri-Lanka Tanzanie Ukraine
Singapour United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States